
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Christmas Presents Ta Dah Part Two

Oh Hi!  
How's things?
I'm crazy excited that I have only 2 days of work left. Then I'm just on call till 3 January, and then I have 5 whole weeks off!!!! I am super excited about that, as you may well imagine.
Anyhoo, on to the unveiling of the rest of my handmade Christmas presents.

This handsome chappy is a bag for my bestie. She is the one who inadvertently got me started again on this whole crochet malarkey by bringing me home a gorgeous crocheted bag from her trip to Argentina.

It seemed kind of right then to make her a crocheted bag in return.
This bag is my favorite of all the bags I've made to date.

I really wish the internet would allow you to see texture, as this is just incredible.
This is one of those bags you just want to stroke and stroke. (Creepy I know!!)

Most bags I've made, I have not loved the handles, but I even love the handle on this bad boy.

Ok, moving right along. This next bag is for my sister. I wanted this one to be the most beautiful bag. Sadly I do not love the strap on this. This was the last bag my Mum lined for me, and I only got it back last weekend. And because things have been insanely busy around these parts, I may have, when looking for wool to make the strap, found an almost finished  mohair scarf that only needed two rows to complete....

and I may have turned into the laziest person in the world and decided that as the colours matched perfectly, it was meant to not be a scarf, but the handle of my sis's bag!!

Big mistake. I don't love it. And now that it's wrapped, and I have absolutely no time, I have realised that this would have been the perfect item to try felting!!!

 Anyway, I'm really hoping she will still like it.
The handle is really long...(because it's not really a strap or handle- it's a scarf!!!)....and it's supposed to cross over the body and be like a messenger bag style.

Next family member. I have 2 brothers. One is getting the herb garden from last weeks post. the other is getting this. I found an old 1950's Bible dictionary, with awesome pictures, and decided it must become this....

Please divert your eyes from the mess under the table. This table has been cunningly disguised with a sheet in case of  unexpected dropins by family. Also, I think those roller blades are my Christmas present. I am hoping to be queen of roller derby
 So I decided to decoupage this coffee table. I'm not sure if I count this as a success or not.

I loved doing this, but I'm not sure I used the right sealer to finish. Lots of the pages were discoloured, so I'm hoping that the sealer issue just adds to the aged look????

Now to my Dad. My Dad spent time growing up in Grafton, and I found this brand new vintage tea towel in a charity shop. I had it in my present drawer for ages, before I wondered to myself why I thought my Dad would like a tea towel for a present!!!
A while ago I had ordered one of those crochet hooks you can use on fabric, and had never used it.

Turns out it works really well on tea towels!! So I just croheted along the sides. popped in a cushion insert and ta-dah!!!

This is another present I am really happy with!!

 My parents have a camper van they like to travel around in, so this will be a present for that.

Christmas windows at Myer- loving the robot reindeer!!
 This is just an extra present for my bestie. Note my one legged Santa in the below photo.

Now is the shameful part of my post.  I had a bad day at work recently, and decided to angrily wrap my remaining presents to cheer myself up. When I had finished with my painstaking wrapping, I realised I had just wrapped quite a few things I had wanted to photograph to show you all.
And remembering the whole lazy theme referred to earlier- I just could not be bothered unwrapping and photographing. So you will have to believe me when I tell you that there are the most amazingly beautiful handmade objects in these here presents. Well there's at least one or two!!

And finally, here is the completed fairy garden for my nieces.

In other groundbreaking news I got a new work bag, and I love it!!

I have wanted a fossil bag for ages, and now I have one. End of story.

And finally, (I'm exhausted, not sure about you), linking in with Ginny at Small Things for her Yarn Along

I'm reading yet another Camilla Luckberg, and still crocheting the same cushion cover as last week. Loving the book so much, have not really been getting so much time for the crochet.

So as this will be my last post before Christmas: my Christmas message to you all is:
I hope you all have a relaxing break, and an amazing Christmas with your families, and/or people you love.
Talk soon

I cannot believe I almost forgot to post THIS. Go here. I promise you'll like it!
And Happy Christmas again!!


  1. Blimey, missus. You've been busy. Love the bags especially the second bad boy.

    My first attempt at decoupaging a table was really successful but my subsequent attempts, less so because I used too much glue and it left a rough surface to the touch. I just used some floor varnish that I found lurking in the cellar and that was fine.

    The cushion you made for your dad is stupendous. I didn't know that you could get crochet hooks that crochet through fabric. I must investigate.

    Very jelous of your 5 weeks off!

    Have a fabulous Xmas. xx

    (I hate to say it but I don't know who Ryan Gosling is!!).

  2. Your presents are all so great and you have put so much thought and work into them. You must have started months ago.
    The cushion for your dad is brilliant, it looks perfect.
    You have given me a great idea for some vintage teatowels my mum has.

  3. Looks like you're ready for Christmas. May you have joyous holdiay!!! I really love that fairy garden! Window displays used to be so amazing, mechanically moving characters, sometimes they still are, but it's not as big as it used to be....I miss that!

  4. Oh, Iยดm so glad you bought yourself that bag - isnยดt it gorgeous?!

    Pretty bags youยดve made as well, lovely colors! :-)

  5. I love all your presents. The bags are adorable. You are quite the crafter! You've given me ideas with those fairy gardens....think I'll make them for my girls next Spring. Enjoy your time off work, and have Merry Christmas!

  6. Lots more lovely things! I am beginning to get there, thank goodness I don't have to post anything abroad as otherwise I'd be stuffed.

    Your cushion is a great idea and your bags are lovely, I like the different wools in the first one.

    Hope you have a really lovely Christmas, enjoy your time off and hope you don't get called out. Merry Christmas!

  7. Well Happy Christmas anyway :) And I hope you get to photograph the other stuff when the recipients get them ;)

  8. You've kept yourself busy! :D Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. You busy, busy girl and working all those hours to boot. So glad you will soon be getting some time off to be with your family and hopefully crochet. Happy Holidays,

  10. i love that second bag! so colorful and fun! your were a crafty powerhouse this holiday, huh?

  11. Wow, such super gorgeousness. They must have LOVED their bags. The colours are so lovely. I wish I could crochet.
    Happy belated Christmas and happy new year. xxx

  12. Yet again lady, you amaaaaaaze me with your ability to make so much great stuff!
    I can only assume you have one of those time-turner things from Harry Potter so you can find extra hours in the day.
    Have a fabulous New Year!

  13. woweeee those bags are marvellous (loving the handle on the first one)
    Too annoying that you wrapped before photographing (I always seem to 'eat before photographing'!!!) but I believe you that they were gorgeous!

    Wishing you a very happy 2012
    fee x
    (got my crochet mojo back too!)


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